Posts for Android Tips & Tricks Category
4 items found
Using of ConstraintLayout to build out CardView with Material Design (3 of 3)
Let’s consider some possible combinations of content blocks to build cards and how they can be implemented using ConstraintLayout.
Using of ConstraintLayout to build out CardView with Material Design (2 of 3)
Let’s consider some possible combinations of content blocks to build cards and how they can be implemented using ConstraintLayout.
Using of ConstraintLayout to build out CardView with Material Design (1 of 3)
Let’s consider some possible combinations of content blocks to build cards and how they can be implemented using ConstraintLayout.
Using of ConstraintLayout to set your ImageView in 16:9 ratio
This article shows how to set the Bitmap into ImageView to keep ratio 16:9 using ConstraintLayout.